
Put the understanding of life,


Expectations for industrialization,


All installed in the building…







一场关于“Dream Office”的方案竞赛,引领年轻设计力量竞相角逐。梦想中的办公楼,将在此真实建造,真正让创造力落地


A project competition about “Dream Office” led young design forces to compete. The dream office building will be built here to truly let creativity come true.




| 筑造理性主义几何立面 |

Building A Rationalistic Geometric Facade






Fair-faced concrete is directly present in the appearance, flat, smooth, and uniform in color, showing the most essential beauty of the architecture. With the growth of green plants, the light and shadow are constantly changing 24 hours a day, and the arc of time flows in the space.







从方案设计阶段开始强调装配式基因的CAPOL Dream Office,作为AA级装配式建筑,共使用预制构件1496块,其中包含2种新型预制构件和5种常规预制构件。Dream Office让设计-生产-建造可以充分沟通,最终实现互相成就

CAPOL Dream Office, which emphasizes the prefabricated gene from the conceptual design stage, as an AA-level prefabricated building, uses a total of 1,496 prefabricated components, including 2 new prefabricated components and 5 conventional prefabricated components. Dream Office let the design-production-construction can fully communicate, and ultimately achieve mutual achievement.







Dream office的设计通过制定设计、生产、施工统一的标准要求,来保证信息传递交互一致性,从而实现预制构件模型信息从设计、生产到施工阶段的有效传递

Dream office’s design ensures the consistency of information transmission and interaction by formulating unified standard requirements for design, production and construction, so as to realize the effective transmission of prefabricated component model information from design, production to construction.




| 标准化窗洞组件的有序排列 |

Orderly Arrangement of Standardized Window Components





This proposal focuses on the classic and pure that never faded in a century-old architecture. It is inspired by the “reproducible concept of movable type printing in ancient China”. It adopts a prefabricated frame structure and 5 “standardized window and hole unit components” to arrange and combine the facades. The stable and atmospheric architectural form, the natural beauty of the fair-faced concrete facade, and the green and energy-saving ecological office space are organically combined under the rigorous construction logic.









The facade composed of five types of PC components has a clear composition, stable atmosphere, and is the part that can best demonstrate the creativity of industrialized architecture. Each component, through the combination of different scales of metal plates, ultra-white glass, glass railings, etc., is suitable for diverse office scenes and reflects architectural diversity.








The white grille at the entrance, reflected by the sunlight, shows the texture of the fabric, and the visual sense of order, stable and playful.




| 自由且开放的通高室内中庭 |

Free and Open Interior Courtyard





The high atrium is filled with light and air, breaking the sense of closed space. You are upstairs and I am downstairs, and the dialogue occurs naturally. The free and open discussion corners are scattered in the large open rooms, which are in keeping with a certain logic. It is a venue for daily brainstorming, with multiple colors and full of vitality. 








The office area is bright and transparent, with an open overall and clear division of labor. Every station can see the scenery outside the window, and the light and shadow change in the morning and evening.







Dream Office不只是一个项目,更是一种可能性,它继承华阳的产业化与科技基因,集合全产业链力量,从无到有,逐渐清晰。

Dream Office is not just a project, but also a possibility. It inherits CAPOL‘s industrialization and technology genes, and integrates the strength of the entire industry chain, starting from scratch, and gradually becoming clear.