
Let the fashion space embrace the artistic atmosphere.







这个极度纯净却鲜明的空间里,标志性不锈钢材质桌面设计独立式固定装置布局相结合,以立体空间,开放式地诠释了Acne Studios的独特审美。表现力极强的柔软的牛仔色面料家具,整体视觉突出的亮蓝色构件,以引人入胜的姿态让顾客关注到它们。 大量的空间与留白,被落地羊毛地毯包裹的墙面,与不锈钢框架式组件产生了鲜明的对比,核心的细节仍然在这个空间里拥有最高的关注度


In this extremely pure but distinctive space, the iconic stainless steel tabletop design is combined with the layout of independent fixtures to interpret the unique aesthetic of Acne Studios in a three-dimensional space. The expressive and soft denim fabric furniture, and the bright blue components with outstanding overall vision, make customers pay attention to them in a fascinating posture. A large amount of space, the wall covered by floor-to-ceiling wool carpets is in sharp contrast with the stainless steel framed components. The core details still have the highest attention in this space.