
The sound of land,


From ancient times,


To the future.









Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil.




The land is the beginning of the birth of life, and it is also the final destination after the end of life. However, with the development of human industrialization and urbanization, the fetters between land and people have become increasingly contradictory.









Here, you can see the lands simulated by parametric methods. They seem to be living beings emerging from the farming civilization, dancing in the context of the products of industrial civilization. They are three-dimensional and even cracked real bodies, and they are tangible life states. In the main exhibition hall, the soil occupies most of the area, and is separated from the space where people can walk and move. The two are separated by an extremely fluid dividing line.





Being in the blend of land and nature









The material of soil is extracted from the objective natural state and endowed with humanistic value judgment. So that it can enter into the human-led moral system to form the antagonistic relationship between personified natural objects and humans.









The soil has been processed by humans to become the bricks used in the construction of residences. The random selection of “things” by humans and the contingency starting from the “heart” form a very interesting combination. “Borrowing things” highlights the dialogue relationship between “people” and “things”. The naturalness of natural materials is closer to the original state of matter, and under the mapping of natural elements such as water and light, this original state of matter is deliberately dissipated, thereby strengthening the humanistic attributes on this foundation.









The boundary of the soil space is wrapped in the industrialized and informationized world, filled with illusory glass and cold-tuned lights. The industrialized products present rigid and sharp angles, like their respective territories that have undergone countless negotiations and consultations. The details contain disputes and conflicts.









In ancient times, the soil nourished everything. However, under the current status, this problem has been slowly diluted, and people have gradually neglected the “soil” and turned their focus to the pursuit of the pleasure of life itself. People are discussing how to maximize the use of available resources, develop technology, and pursue industrialization indefinitely. Behind the prosperous appearance are countless abandoned industrial wastes and traumatized land.









Soil is a very unpretentious substance and the foundation of the real world. Compared with the virtual world that we take for granted, soil is the substance that can most stimulate human rationality.









We are farther and farther away from the real world, we have no deeper understanding of the soil, and we can only see the green plants growing out of the soil, and ignore the existence of the soil, or are afraid to see this kind of unpredictable reality, and the green covering the soil reveals the naked reality.









Through the mirror surface of the stainless steel plate, people seem to be able to see themselves and reflect on their own situation. The rise of the Internet and artificial intelligence has caused human beings to experience tremendous changes in their living environment. 




Prior to this, people’s perception of purely natural space was real, and people and nature were integrated. While technology brings enjoyment to human life, it also impacts the relationship between man and nature invisibly. We have no way of criticizing the results of this kind of technological intrusion, but we have strengthened the viewer’s sensory experience to express the ambiguity between reality and illusion, and the complex mood that fills the human living environment together.