
Everything in the world has an “arc light” of growth.


This is the case for a period of life, this is for a space,


The same is true for stories that happen in space.









There are many forms of arcs, and their scales are also different. But without exception, the corresponding arc is intercepted in a tangent circle, rather than a free curve, thereby creating a sense of traction in the galaxy.





Flexible light and shadow are balanced and full of rhythm






The light emphasizes the curve and extends the curve to surfaces. Fluid, powerful, structured and overlapping. Each arc has its direction, and the most attractive charm of each arc lies in its elasticity. The best way to present an arc is through light and shade. 









People not only pass by, they may stop and stay for a while, but through the cracks, something in a corner will attract them. It is the way the light falls, falling here and there. A small window that takes care of both the inside and the outside appears, and walking through the inside and outside is like a journey of discovery, more like a journey of time. Time is not limited to a moment of solidification in an instant, time is the way of flowing in the architectural space. The guidance of light, shadow and time gives the architectural space a state of orderly and free use.









In terms of brightness control, the darkest gray is used for heaven and earth to squeeze out the high brightness of the used space. Guide the visual focus to various delicate gray levels in the middle space, like a white light across the interstellar. The mirror material with horizontal openings in the passage acts as a kind of flexible reflection, which interferes and confuses the entire space.









Retro-futurism contains two overlapping trends, which are summarized as: “looking at the future from the past” and “looking at the past from the future”. The core channel full of modeling sense and the middle of the spherical shape are cut to form a crack, through which light and shadow penetrate. People suddenly saw time, it was not a line. Life is short, and this shortness is an eternal piece.





Delicate appearance under neon light









Roughness and delicacy, matte surface and reflective surface, it is the connection between the boundaries of human and technology, and the distance between the retro and the future. The temperature changes, and the experience is different.