
Reality and illusion, past and future,


It is no longer to be understood as a contradiction.









A sense of eternity that transcends time and place appears in the design. Extensive use of repetitive elements, repeated cycles, and the use of large-volume objects expand the depth of the space and form a sense of unreality in reality.









People become smaller and smaller in it. Visitors can immerse themselves in a dramatic whole, sometimes ascending and looking down. As the experiencer of the space, it presents casual and irrational colors.





The dreamlike repeating texture is like a dream






In surrealist aesthetics, beauty and cognition are connected through the main spiritual activity of human beings, and the external world shown by the expression of the internal world is both true and beautiful.









The design focuses more on people’s inner world. And through the understanding of the inner world to explore the outer world and its relationship with people. It is a practical aesthetic that has a close relationship with and has an effect on real life. 









What it particularly hopes is not to create beauty, but to express itself freely. The requirement of knowing people and making people know always precedes the requirements of pleasing and appreciating people. This kind of beauty is not dead, but alive.