
2008, May 12,




An 8.0 magnitude earthquake killed nearly 70,000 people.


Time erases the devastation, but not the painful memory.


We cherish the passing of life,


also remember the boundless love in front of disasters,


the watchmen helped in the reconstruction after the earthquake.


The mountains and rivers heal the scars,


Wenchuan is heading for rebirth.





Remember the grief in the remote, Cherish the present






Natural disasters can destroy buildings, but they cannot destroy the warmth of homes;they can destroy cities, but cannot destroy the glory of human nature.









The ruins of Beichuan County represented the devastating destruction of the earthquake, and also witnessed the true love and tenacious spirit of human beings, and carried deep memories and concerns.



The construction of Beichuan Earthquake Memorial Hall was officially started in Renjiaping, Beichuan County on the morning of December 28, 2010. After the completion of the Beichuan Earthquake Site Protection Project, it will bring hope to everyone. While remembering the dead, the living should work harder.





Beichuan Earthquake Memorial Hall






The construction goal of the Beichuan Earthquake Memorial Hall project is guided by public welfare. It is not only a place for humanistic education and scientific research, but also a home for the spirit of Beichuan people.




In this regard, a multi-level and multi-disciplinary perspective is required to consider the relationship of each system as a whole and comprehensively, put people first, respect the living, comfort the dead, emphasize diverse cultural connotations, and conduct local thinking.




| 设计概念 · 源于大地艺术 |

 Design Concept · Originated from Earth Art 






Inspired by the eternal imprint of “Crack” left on the earth in an instant, the design of the memorial reproduces the theme of “Crack” with the modeling strategy of earth art. Recalling disasters, paying homage to the dead, thinking about the relationship between life and the forces of nature in the “cracks” engraved in the earth.





Thinking about the relationship between man and nature






Based on the clue of “Cracks”, the designer adopted the artistic treatment of the environment. This choice to abandon the prominent architectural image on the ground is considered to be a reflection on the power of nature, to express respect for nature, and to reflect on our behavior of contempt for nature.




The expression of a catastrophic event






The image of “Crack” is unique. It is hidden in the natural environment. Its pure, powerful, and lifelike art expression means of the earth, lightning-like formal language constitutes a strong visual experience, a metaphor for the material loss and mental damage caused by a major earthquake. The dark red corroded steel plate full of strength in the “crack” is in sharp contrast with the natural environment, bringing people back to the moment when the mountain collapsed, creating a shocking memorial space.




| 整合环境 · 建筑与自然的呼应 |

Integrate the environment, the echo of architecture and nature






The design of the entire park is adapted to local conditions and fully reflects the characteristics of the terrain, and combined with the Beichuan Middle School site, the three main elements of “entrance plaza”, “memory trail” and “memorial garden” are formed into a complete spatial sequence to realize the integration of the memorial hall and the entire base environment.





Entrance Plaza






At the southern end of the park, there is an entrance square (also a memorial square), which can accommodate 10,000 people for commemorative activities. The west side of the square leads to the main entrance of the memorial hall, the north side connects to the memorial trail leading to the memorial garden. The main and auxiliary halls of the memorial hall are divided into two sides of the trail. On the south side of the square, a gate-shaped sculpture made of rusty steel plates was set up as the background of the rally rostrum, and at the same time as the opposite view of the cracked walkway between the main and auxiliary halls of the memorial hall on the north side of the square.









The door-shaped sculpture implies the door of life, and the big bell hanging on the door frame implies the call of life. The entire entrance plaza has an organic shape and a well-enclosed degree. It is the main flow of people in the memorial park, and it is also the beginning of the “crack” experience in the memorial park.





Memory Trail






The memory trail has formed a multi-dimensional spatial experience through the changing vertical elevation design, giving visitors the experience of walking through cracks in the crust below the surface, and fully feeling the shock of the earth tearing during the earthquake. It starts from the entrance square and continues to expand. The elevation continues to rise with the change of terrain and finally rises to the memorial garden on the north side of the museum area. It is the same elevation as the original Beichuan Middle School playground site, which reached a memorial climax. The entire memory trail is completed in one go, forming a continuous flow of visits, tribute and remembrance.





Memorial Garden






In consideration of the overall spatial form, the remaining buildings such as the Beichuan Middle School ruins and the old gate of Beichuan Middle School were demolished and the original spatial relationship was reproduced in a landscape manner. The remaining building ruins will be covered with soil and buried to express the memory of the deceased’s “saving in the soil” meaning. The memorial garden retains the original Beichuan Middle School playground on the north side and serves as the landscape element of the enclosed space of the memorial garden. The remaining three sides are enclosed by high rust steel memorial walls, and the front wall is isolated and protected by landscape water channels to show respect for the deceased.









At the same time, the flat terrain of the playground of the original Beichuan Middle School is used to set up a memorial garden on the west side of the original ruins of the building, where visitors can pay homage to the deceased, express their grief, and overlook the entire memorial garden.




| 造型主题 · 伤痕中的回忆 |

Modeling Theme · Memories in Scars 






The sharp edge of the dark red steel plate and the green vegetation on the roof shows the moment when the earth is torn apart. The building facade is slightly inclined into the walkway, which deepens the dynamic sense of the whole building and further strengthens the power of the building from bursting out of the cracks in the earth. 




| 内部空间 · 裂缝的延伸 |

Internal Space · Crack Extension 






The entrance method of the memorial follows the theme of “crack”: under the huge canopy space, a corroded steel plate bridge connects the entrance hall with the square like a sculpture. Walkthrough the steel bridge into the room, just like crossing the earth’s crust and stepping into another world. The follow-up visit paved the way. Inside the main hall, a long and narrow two-story full-height exhibition hall is set up in accordance with the changes in the roof form. The enlarged scale of the space meets different display needs while introducing the theme of “cracks” into the interior. When it is sunny, the sun will flow from the sidewalls of the exhibition hall. The narrow skylight pouring down which symbolizes the light of hope and life in the ruins after the earthquake.