
The home first means a closed, secret inner space.


The spiritual element that constitutes the inner space is loneliness.






法国哲学家巴什拉(Gaston Bachelard) 曾说过:“人一出生就已经被放置于家宅的摇篮之中”。


The French philosopher Gaston Bachelard once said: “People have been placed in the cradle of the family home as soon as they were born”.








The house keeps the true memory and true portrayal of people in a closed space. The enclosed characteristics of drawers, cabinets, boxes and other furniture make the house a unique inner space with concealment. The vast space from the inner world to the outer world is generated by imagination, and then generates rich scenarios, containing endless dreams.





The home where you were born is the cradle of loneliness and happiness at the same time.






The homes that people lived in childhood are the first homes of people and the starting point of people’s physiology and psychology. It brings an eternal sense of intimacy. This complex has become the most distant and familiar experience in life through the imagination of poetry and art.









Space is not a concrete container of geometric shapes, but a unique state of existence formed in the architecture of many poetic images and spiritual images. Space runs through the imagination of poetics, and even space is poetry itself.





The infinity of inner space


On the one hand is the depth of life, on the other hand is the synthesis of feelings





The corners are huddled and hugged


The inner imaginary world formed by space






The spatial structure of the corner gives it stability, and its bias towards a gloomy imaginative sentiment makes things produced in this space full of sadness, regret and nostalgia.





Minimalist and orderly repetitive elements shuttle in the space


Which generate countless memory fragments









The vastness of the house combines contradictory things. As Baudelaire’s verse “as broad as darkness and light” says, it can also be called synesthesia in the field of art.





Material acts on space


Contrast, blend, blur, focus






The final home is not people’s past experiences and memories, but a plan and prospect for the future living space after a rich life experience. It contains people’s thoughts and ideas.