
The art museum building is no longer an “object”, with an aloof attitude rejecting people thousands of miles away.


Instead, it becomes a space without walls, and anyone is welcome to enter and experience it at any time.









The design transforms five abandoned airport oil storage tanks into art galleries and multifunctional exhibition areas. It uses a “super surface”, that is, a new ground covered with soil and greenery, to “connect” the five independent oil tanks. Above the “super surface” is an open public art park, and below are interconnected to become a flexible and open indoor exhibition and service spaces.





Interaction Between People And Architecture|






Tank Shanghai is a cultural venue that integrates various exhibition spaces, squares, gardens, green spaces, bookstores, education centers, and restaurants.





Application of Geometric Shapes

△ 立面圆形窗

 Facade round window



△ 立面长椭圆形窗

Long Oval Facade Window




Single Tank Top View








Among the five aviation oil tanks, the No. 1 and No. 2 oil tanks are independent exhibition spaces. The No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 tanks are opened up and connected by a closed gallery hall. They are both connected and independent of each other. Viewed from the outside of the building, the connecting parts of the three connected tanks, including the entrance to the hall, are composed of long strips of triangle windows. Art derivative shops and cafes will be housed in the lobby of Tank Shanghai.





The Flow of Light and Shadow






Among the five oil tanks, the No. 5 tank has the largest space area. Its internal space is divided into upper and lower floors, each with an area of more than 600 square meters, and no column can be seen in the huge space. The No. 4 tank next to the No. 5 tank is divided into three floors and is the only three-story exhibition hall in the entire art center. Going further to the side is the No. 3 tank. Unlike the airtight tank No. 5, a skylight is opened on the dome of tank No. 3, which can introduce natural light into the exhibition hall. The space-independent tanks No. 1 and No. 2 have more possibilities. Among them, the No. 1 tank is more suitable for displaying sound art and performance art.





Forest Square in the City




介于油罐“超级表面”与“都市森林”之间为两个开阔的广场:其一为适宜大型活动、 由石材铺装的55米见方的“城市广场”,另一个是面积较小、绿草如茵的“草坪广场”,适合举办多种主题活动。


Between the “super surface” of the oil tank and the “urban forest” are two open squares: one is a 55-meter square “urban square” paved with stone suitable for large-scale events, and the other is a small grassy “lawn square”, which is suitable for hosting a variety of themed events.









On the east side of the “Lawn Plaza”, OPEN Architect also transformed an abandoned pump house by the Huangpu River into a “project space” for independent exhibitions and events, which can be used to hold art events and small exhibitions.