
Encounters between the self and natural texture.









The design is based on the historical context of the site itself, narrating the blurring of natural and man-made boundaries. The blending of new elements with old naturally occurs, with the interplay of light and shadow and the texture of materials creating a new way of perception, experiencing a philosophical dialogue about vision and touch. The design is not just an object of observation, but also becomes a bridge for experiencing the connection between self and the world.









The BOLON Xiamen concept store is located on Zhongshan Road in the southwestern part of Xiamen Island, in an old city district where the Nanyang arcade architecture is relatively well-preserved. It serves as a microcosm of Xiamen’s economic and cultural development, where the new and the old, the bustling and the tranquil, the contemporary and the traditional all intermingle.









Many walls with an “original texture” are preserved throughout the space, their vibrant natural textures “regrow” upon contact with stone and wood. Meanwhile, the heavy load-bearing columns in the atrium are broken and reassembled; some are wrapped in mirrors to make the columns appear lighter; others are cut and rearranged to serve a variety of functions.









Whether it’s space or display shelves, after completing the basic functional settings, more freedom will be returned to consumers. Conforming to the natural appearance of things, shaping oneself based on external forms. All organizations in the design will revolve around “free browsing”, and in a relatively relaxed scale, construct a faint overall coherence in the space through the associative relationships of installations.









The overlapping of different structural levels alters the proportions of the space. In a three-story store, the presence of vertical circulation uniquely narrates, objectively providing an emotional transition for the changing floor spaces. As one ascends the stairs, the designer aims to let people perceive the characteristics of the space and experience the richness brought by this structure on a personal scale.









As a brand space that emphasizes emotional communication, it inherently carries a strong sense of drama. This intrinsic mood is considered as a design clue. Just like eyeglasses, sometimes soft, sometimes rigid, matching different attributes, displayed on stands made of different materials. The creatively designed stands not only inject fun into the exhibition but also offer various possibilities for flexible displays.









The space is filled with irregular geometric elements, and walls are no longer merely tangible but can also be intangible. The unpredictable design language enriches the natural flow within the space. These walls serve not only as boundaries but also as display shelves for merchandise and seats available for rest at any time. The form of the walls is no longer confined to simple barriers but focuses on their potential to facilitate subtle interactions between people and displays.









The design of the third-floor space aims to create an environment that is suitable for both personal reflection and social interaction. The soft tones of off-white and wood, paired with clean lines, sketch a modern and warm ambiance. The entire layout emphasizes the fluidity and flexibility of the space, with large arched windows not only enhancing the lighting but also bringing a sense of openness to the interior.









The design embodies a philosophical contemplation that involves observing things, seizing opportunities, and mastering proportions to allow things to flow naturally yet remain flexible and adaptable. This reflects our approach to construction, where we go with the flow and impart a “humanistic” aspect to nature. Based on a deep understanding and integration of the objective environment and material characteristics, we create spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and sustainable.