
Under the artistic conception of returning home on a snowy night,


The space overlooks the people passing by with a humble attitude.









After walking through the ice and snow, explorers found a warm cabin, as if being hugged by an old friend, which warms their hearts. The glacier elements standing in the interior space seem to bring all the beautiful, wild, and even unknown sides.









An exquisite log cabin shone like marble against the night and lights. Under the design of the triangle as the main symbol structure, the warm color tone opens the door of the hut, like a bonfire in the snow, and like a road for explorers to a warm little home. A new chapter in traditional log cabins with modern design.









The morning here is beautiful. The sunlight passes through the triangular building structure, projecting the invisible soul of the hut on the wall. The dewdrops are glistening. People seem to have stepped out of the hut longing for a new day.









The aroma of those woods and the perception brought by the unique story of the traditional structure add style to the space. The brand’s unique narrative method endows the space with a new quality, and the old and new coexist harmoniously without conflict.









The oven in the living room has become another highlight of the layout of the cottage. The scene of sitting around the oven is like taking a time machine to shuttle back and forth between the past and the future, as if a whole century can go through in a second. The collision of historical furnishings and materials creates a vibrant space atmosphere, and the uneven walls and hanging ropes evoke the memories of every explorer’s journey.









The use of rough or delicate materials in different scenes creates unexpected vision. The exquisite design of the details is both functional and beautiful, just like the brand’s products. It just stands quietly in the snow, patiently waiting for people to return, soothing people’s tired bodies after a day of cross-country skiing.